Crack up children with these funny Egg Jokes for kids! Clean and family-friendly, these silly and hilarious egg jokes and egg puns will get everyone laughing and having a good time!
Whisk these one-liner egg jokes for a fun time with family! Just as versatile as eggs themselves, this list of fun egg jokes include silly jokes about yolks, shells to clever egg puns and classic dad jokes about eggs.
Funny Egg Jokes For Kids
A perfect compliment to your breakfast, these egg jokes & puns are an egg-cellent to kick start your day!
1. What do you call a smart omelette? An egg-head!
2. Why was the egg late for school? Because it didn’t study for its eggs-animation!

3. Why couldn’t the egg go to the concert? Because it was shell-out!
4. Why did the egg cross the road? To get to the shell station!
5. How do you make an egg roll? Just give it a little push!
6. What did Snow White name her hen? Egg White!
7. Why did it take the chicken so long to cross the road? There was no eggs-press lane!
8. Where do penguins keep all of their chilled eggs? Inside of an egg-loo.
9. Why did the egg regret being in an omelette? It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be!
10. What did the meditating egg say? Ommmmmmlet!
11. What is an egg’s least favourite day? Fry-day!
12. Why don’t dinosaurs lay eggs? Because they’re egg-stinct!
13. Why do you have to watch what you say around egg whites? Because they can’t take a good yolk!
14. Why did the egg hide behind its mom? Because he was a little chicken!
15. What do chickens call the city that never sleeps? New Yolk City.
16. What do you call a mischievous egg? A practical yolker!
17. What you call a person who eats too many eggs? Eggs-holic!
18. How did the eggs leave the highway? They used the eggs-it!
19. When is it okay to place all your eggs in one basket? On Easter!
Related: Check out Silly Easter Egg Riddles that are sure to get your mind scrambled!
20. Which sport are eggs best at? Running!
21. How can you tell if an egg has been boiled or not? With Eggs-ray vision!
22. Why did the chef cook his eggs on the golf course? Because he wanted them par-boiled!
23. What did the doctor tell the chicken with high cholesterol? “Try to lay off eggs for a while!”
24. What happened to the egg after it went on the rollercoaster? It got scrambled!
25. How did the omelette find out she was ill? She had a medical eggs-am.
26. What’s the worst crime an egg can commit? Poaching!
27. What did the bartender say when bacon and eggs walked into a bar together? “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast here.”
28. Where can you go to learn more about eggs? In the hen-cyclopedia!
29. What did Mrs Egg say to Mr Egg? Don’t you dare egg-nore me!
30. Who wrote the book Great Egg-spectations? Charles Chickens!
31. Why are eggs bad at puns? Because they always mix up their yokes!
32. What did the egg order at Starbucks? Double egg-spresso!
33. What do you call a self-obsessed egg? An egg-o-maniac!
34. What do you call an egg that refuses to come out of its shell? An egg-arophobic.
35. How do monsters like their eggs? Terrified!
36. What did the egg do when it saw the frying pan? It scrambled!
37. What’s a hen’s favourite shipping company? Federal Egg-spress!
38. Who tells the best eggs puns? The comedy-hens!
39. Why did the influencer egg start losing her friends? They thought she became a shell-out!
40. How do chickens stay fit? They eggs-ercise!
41. What does Mr. Egg say every morning to Mrs. Egg? Have an eggs-tra special day!
42. Did you try the digital egg padlock? It is very easy to crack!
43. What do you call an egg who likes to go on Safari? An eggs-plorer!
44. How do hunters like their eggs? Poached!
45. What does a demonic hen lay? Deviled eggs!
46. Why do people love having hard-boiled eggs for breakfast? Because they are so hard to beat!
47. What did the egg say after passing its test? Omelette smarter than I look!
48. What was the motivational egg speaker’s slogan? Sunny side up!
49. Why did Mr. Egg fail the driving test? Because he liked to egg-celerate too much!
50. What is an egg’s favorite tree? The might y-oak!
51. What happened to the chicken at school? He was eggs-pelled!
52. Why do eggs run so fast? Because they’re afraid of being beaten!
53. How do you know when it’s too hot in the barn? When the hens start laying hard-boiled eggs!
54. Why did the chick jump up and down? Because he was eggs-cited!
55. What do you call a city with 25 million eggs? New Yolk City!
56. Why was the chicken up all night? It suffered from Restless Egg Syndrome!
57. How do you know if a pastry chef is mean? Because he beats all the eggs!
58. What did the hen tell the egg who was nervous about school? “Just fry your best!”
59. How do eggs get around the city? They use eggs-press bus!
60. Do you know any good egg jokes? I have got a dozen of ’em!
61. When is the best time to eat eggs? At the crack of dawn!
62. Why did the eggs go to school? To get egg-zucated!
63. What did the guest say to the chef after a delicious breakfast? It was egg-celent!
64. How does a hen leave her coop? Through the eggs-it!
65. What did the egg say about escaping the chef? “I might whisk him and run!”
66. Don’t I have the best egg jokes? I think I can be a real comedi-hen!
67. What do you call eggs from space? Eggstraterrestrial!
68. Who is baby egg’s favourite character? Dora the Eggs-plorer!
69. Did you hear about the hen who laid her egg on an axe? She wanted to hatchet.
70. What did the waitress say when the guest asked her for the sauce? “That will be eggs-tra!”
71. What did the Miss egg say after Mr egg bumped into her? Egg-scuse me!
72. How do comedians like their eggs? Funny side up!
73. Why did the chicken stop in the middle of the road? Because it wanted to lay it on the line!
74. What did you do differently with your hair? You look eggs-traordinary!
75. How did the chicken feel after a long day at the farm? Eggs-hausted!
76. Who came first, the chicken or the egg? The dinosaur!
77. Why did the man steal his eggs? He liked ’em poached!
78. What do you call eggs that snooze on their jobs? Eggs-austed!
79. What did the officer say to the egg after he pulled it over for speeding? “Omelettin it slide this time around!”
80. What does Mr. Egg say to Miss. Egg on their date? “You look eggs-traordinary!”
81. What did the egg say to the joker? You crack me up!
82. What’s an egg’s favorite movie? Over Easy Rider!
83. Why do hens lay eggs? Because the eggs would break if they dropped them!
84. What do you get if a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn? An eggroll!
85. What are gegs? Scrambled eggs!!
86. What did the angry hen say to her child? You’re such a rotten egg!
87. What do you get when you cross a chicken with an alien? An eggs-traterrestrial!
88. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? Only one! After that your stomach won’t be empty anymore!
89. What did one egg say to another? “Let’s hatch a plan!”
90. Why wouldn’t the farmer let the hen in his house? Because she kept laying deviled eggs!
Best Egg Puns
You simply can’t miss these one-liner eggs-cellent egg puns! Creative and clever, they are sure to get attention. Sneak them into your conversations to get to the lighter side.
91. My daughter loves Dora the Eggs-plorer!
92. You are an egg-cellent person!
93. A chicken and an egg walk into a bar and the bartender asks, “Who’s first?”
94. You’re poaching all my best yolks!
95. The eggs decided to leave Europe, so we need to prepare for Breggsit!
96. I am shell-shocked!
97. Eggs are going up again. That’ll surprise a few chickens!
98. All of this social activity is eggs-hausting!
99. I saw an egg behaving really weirdly today. He must have been really egg-centric.
100. Don’t be such a rotten egg.
101. You just can’t beat an egg-based dessert – am I right, or a meringue?
102. An egg walked into a bar and cracked a joke. He left behind a real mess.
103. I went to eat my egg, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I think someone must’ve poached it.
104. You’re cracking me up!
105. You’re looking egg-cellent!
106. The police have spent hours questioning the egg. I think it’s about to crack.
107. I am coming out of my shell!
108. I ate the world’s largest egg this week – that will take some beating.
109. These eggs are out of this world – simply eggs-traterrestrial!
110. I saw a sign earlier that said, ‘Free Range Eggs.’ I’ve never heard of Range Eggs before, but at least they were free to take.
111. Don’t you yolk with me!
112. Don’t you like my egg-cellent jokes?
113. When an egg doesn’t do enough eggs-ercise before a race, they get scrambled legs!
114. Omelette that slide…right onto my plate!
115. I’ve decided to put my eggs all in one basket. I’m just tired of looking silly walking around the supermarket.
116. All I need is a double shot of eggs-presso to kick start my morning!
117. That’s all for now, yolks!
Well…Literally! That’s all we have! We assure these egg-ceptional puns and jokes will get everyone, from little kids to adults, cracking-up! They are a great way to break ice and start conversations.