This Easter, keep kids guessing with the very Best Easter Riddles With Answers for Kids. A great way to make Easter fun for kids, Easter riddles promise wholesome entertainment without any preparations.
Hide them in plastic eggs to make Easter scavenger hunt for more fun or use them as lunchbox notes! These eggs-cellent Easter Riddles are sure to crack you up!

Silly Easter Riddles For Kids With Answers
This list of 137 Funny Easter Riddles will have your kids put on their thinking hats to come up with the correct answer.
A good dose of creativity and a dash to problem-solving skills as well as clever thinking will take them a long way in solving these easy & hard Easter riddle jokes.
1. What sort of stories do Easter bunnies like?
Answer: The ones with hoppy endings!
2. What kind of jewellery does the Easter bunny wear?
Answer: 14-carrot gold.
3. How do bunnies go from one vegetable patch to another?
Answer: They book a ride in a bunny cab-bage!
4. When Is It Okay To Place All Your Eggs In One Basket?
Answer: On Easter!
Quick Tip: Check out Easy Lenten Activities for Kids of all ages to bring them closer to God!
5. Why did the Easter egg hide?
Answer: Because it was a little chicken!
6. How does Easter end?
Answer: With an “r”
7. Why did the Easter bunny join the gym?
Answer: To get egg-stra fit!
Quick Tip: Club these riddles with Easter Trivia With Answers For Kids for more fun!
8. Why did the duck get fired from its Easter job?
Answer: Because it kept quacking the eggs!
9. What do you need if your chocolate eggs magically disappear?
Answer: An eggs-planation!
10. How did the Easter bunny rate the Easter Parade?
Answer: Egg-cellent!
Related: Check out 163 Best Riddles For Kids to sharpen their cognitive thinking!
11. What does a house infested with Easter eggs need?
Answer: An eggs-terminator!
12. What do you call a mischievous egg?
Answer: A practical yolker!
13. What do you get when you cross a frog with a rabbit?
Answer: A bunny ribbit!
14. What do you call a sleeping easter egg?
Answer: Eggs-hausted!
15. How Do You Know Carrots Are Good For Your Eyes?
Answer: Have you ever seen the Easter Bunny with glasses?
16. What treat does the Easter bunny hide in the ocean?
Answer: Oyster eggs.
17. What did the Easter bunny order at Starbucks?
Answer: Eggs-presso!
Related: Throw in a few Funny Egg Jokes for silly laughs!
18. What do you say when you burp during Easter brunch?
Answer: Eggs-cuse Me!
19. Where does Christmas come before Easter?
Answer: In the dictionary.
20. Why did the Easter egg go to school?
Answer: To get a little egg-ucation!
21. How did the Easter egg feel on Easter morning?
Answer: Eggs-cited!
22. How did the Easter egg feel after Easter?
Answer: Eggs–hausted!
23. How does an Easter bunny throw a tantrum?
Answer: By getting hopping mad!
24. If a rooster lays an egg on the top of a hill, which direction would it roll down?
Answer: It wouldn’t—roosters don’t lay eggs.
Quick Tip: Pair these Easter riddle jokes with Funny Spring Jokes for more fun!
25. What do you call a group of rabbits marching backward?
Answer: A receding hare line!!
26. How can you tell which rabbit is the oldest?
Answer: Look for the grey hare!
27. Why are Easter eggs fascinated with space travel?
Answer: Because they want to meet eggs-traterrestrials!
28. How can parents make Easter easier?
Answer: Replace the “t” with an “i”!!
29. What kind of beans won’t grow in your garden?
Answer: Jelly beans.
30. What do you call two best friends on Easter?
Answer: Two Peeps in a pod!
31. Why couldn’t the Easter Egg family watch the TV?
Answer: Because their cable was scrambled!
32. How should you send Easter greetings?
Answer: By Hare Mail!!
33. What does the Easter bunny do after it takes a shower?
Answer: It uses a hare-dryer!
34. Why was there so much yelling at the bakery on Easter?
Answer: Because there were too many cross buns!
35. How do rabbits stay cool in summers?
Answer: By hare- conditioning!
36. When do kids go to bed on Easter?
Answer: When They’re Eggs-hausted!
37. How many Easter eggs can you put in an empty basket?
Answer: Only one—after that, it’s not empty anymore.
38. Why did the Easter bunny want to learn snowboarding?
Answer: Because it wanted to try out an eggs-treme sport!
39. How do you find all the loot on Easter?
Answer: Eggs marks the spot.
40. What’s the best way to catch a rabbit?
Answer: Pretend to be a carrot!
41. How long does the Easter Bunny celebrate Easter?
Answer: Around the cluck!
42. What is the Easter bunny’s favorite sport?
Answer: Basket-ball.
43. What popular Easter item has to be broken before you can use it?
Answer: An egg, egg-cept on Easter!
44. Which branch of the military is a bunny’s favorite?
Answer: The hare force!
45. What Happens when you fall in love on Easter?
Answer: You live hoppily ever after!
46. What do you tell a jokester egg on Easter?
Answer: You are cracking me up!
47. What happens when you crack a bad joke at school on Easter?
Answer: You Get Egg-Spelled!
48. What is the Easter bunny’s favourite state capital?
Answer: Albunny, New York!
49. Why was it a surprise that I showed up to Easter on time this year?
Answer: Because I’m always choco-late!
50. What do you put in your hair before you go to church on Easter?
Answer: Hare spray!
51. Why shouldn’t you tickle an Easter egg?
Answer: Because it might crack up!!
52. What does a mommy egg say to a baby egg on Easter?
Answer:You’re eggs-stra special.
53. What Does One Easter Bunny Say To Another If They Want To Flirt?
Answer: You’re Ear-Resistable!
54. What kind of cars do rabbits drive?
Answer: Hop rods!
55. Why should you never show Easter Eggs a scary movie?
Answer: Because it can crack them up!
56. Where does the Easter Bunny eat for breakfast?
Answer: IHOP!
57. How can you say rabbit without using the letter R?
Answer: Call it Bunny!
58. Where do bunnies hang out?
Answer: The hare salon!
59. What day do Easter Eggs hate the most?
Answer: Fry-Day!
60. What do you get when you pour hot boiling water down the bunny hole?
Answer: Hot Cross Bunnies!
61. Why was the little kid sad after the egg hunt?
Answer: Because an egg beater!
62. What’s the most popular baby bunny name?
Answer: Peter!
63. Where does a rabbit go for a shampoo?
Answer: To a hare-dresser!
64. Do rabbits use combs?
Answer: No, they use hare brushes.
65. How many hairs are in a bunny rabbit’s tail?
Answer: None. They are all outside.
66. If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch?
Answer: Roosters don’t lay eggs!
67. What did one Easter egg say to the other Easter egg?
Answer: Look at your dye job!
68. What do you get when you cross a roach and a rabbit?
Answer: Bugs Bunny.
69. What’s a forgetful Bunny called?
Answer: Hare-Brained.
70. Who would lose in a fight: peeps or chocolate bunnies?
Answer: Peeps, because they’re way too soft!
71. What kind of Bunny can’t hop?
Answer: A Chocolate Bunny!!
72. Which college did the Easter bunny have at the top of his list?
Answer: John Hop-kins University, their track team is great at the long jump!
73. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
Answer: Bugs Bunny!
74. What Do You Get When You Cross A Bumblebee With A Rabbit?
Answer: A Honey Bunny!
75. Why did the Bunny wear a hat?
Answer: Because it was having a Bad Hare day!
76. What did the mama rabbit say to the baby rabbit when she snuck a look at her Easter basket?
Answer: No Peep-ing!
77. Why do you paint eggs for Easter?
Answer: Well! Can you imagine trying to wallpaper them?
78. Why did the farmer feed crayons to his chickens?
Answer: He wanted them to lay colored eggs!
79. What do you call a rabbit with sniffles?
Answer: Runny Bunny!
80.How can you get ready to eat Easter candy?
Answer: By doing lots of eggs-ercise!
81. What do you say to the Easter Bunny on Easter?
Answer: Hoppy Easter to you!
82. Why didn’t the Easter Bunny hop?
Answer: No bunny knows!
83. What do you call a bunny with a billion eggs?
Answer: Billion-hare!
84. What did the bunny have when he was in despair?
Answer: HOP (Hope) was all he had!
85. How does an Easter chicken bake a cake?
Answer: From scratch!
86. How far can you push a chicken?
Answer: Not far! But you can pullet!
87. How can you speed up buying Easter groceries?
Answer: Use the eggs-press lane!
88. Where do you find dinosaur peeps?
Answer: in Peep-arassic park!
89.Why are people tired in April?
Answer : Because they just finished (a) March!
90. How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?
Answer: With EGG-xercise and HARE-obics!
91. What do you call a rabbit that can tell a good joke?
Answer: Funny Bunny!
92. What’s the difference between a counterfeit dollar bill and a crazy rabbit?
Answer: One is bad money, the other is a mad bunny!
93. What did the rabbit say to the carrot?
Answer: It’s been nice gnawing at you!
94. What did one colored egg say to the other?
Answer: Heard any good yolks lately?
95. How did the eggs leave the highway?
Answer: They used the eggs-it!
96. What’s red and blue and sogs up your Easter basket?
Answer: Colored scrambled eggs!
97. What you call a person who eats too many eggs?
Answer: Eggs-holic!
98. What do rabbits say before they eat?
Answer: Lettuce pray!
99. What is a dog’s favorite Easter treat?
Answer: Jelly bones!
100. Where did the rabbits go after their wedding?
Answer: On bunnymooon!
101. Why did a fellow rabbit say that the Easter Bunny was self-centered?
Answer: Because he is eggocentric!
102. What did the grey rabbit say to the blue rabbit?
Answer: Cheer up!!
103. What did the Easter Bunny say to his anxious friend?
Answer: Don’t worry. Be hoppy.
104. How does the Easter Bunny like his burger?
Answer: With eggs-tra mayo on the side!
105. What do you get when you cross the Easter Bunny with a leprechaun?
Answer: An Easter Bunny with a pot of golden eggs.
106. How does an Easter Bunny keep his fur looking so good?
Answer: By using his hare spray!
107. What’s an Easter egg’s least favorite day?
Answer: Fry-day!
108. Why did the bunnies go on strike?
Answer: Because they wanted better celery!!
109. Why couldn’t the rabbit fly home for Easter?
Answer: Because he fell short of hare fare!
110. Who is the Easter Bunny’s favorite movie actor?
Answer: Rabbit De Niro
111. What do you get if you cross an Easter bunny with an octopus?
Answer: A lot of eggs to hide!
112. How do you know the Easter Bunny is really smart?
Answer: It’s an egg-spert at hiding eggs.
113. Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
Answer: Because the chicken stole his Easter eggs!
What Am I Easter Easter Riddles For Kids
Get ready for serious fun and some clever thinking with hard Easter riddles for kids as well as adults. These What Am I Easter Riddles are a favourite with kids of all ages and will have them begging for more!
These fun brain teasers make for a wonderful brain break for students around Easter time.
114. I’m a parade of colors, in a joyful row!
Worn on Easter Sunday, to and fro. What am I?
Answer: Easter Bonnet
115. I’m colorful but I’m not a rainbow, I’m hunted for but I’m not an animal,
I sometimes contain chocolate but I’m not an advent calendar,
I’m sometimes painted but I’m not hung on a wall, What am I?
Answer: Easter Egg
116. I am a fluffy creature, ears perked high,
Hiding eggs as I hop by. What am I?
Answer: Easter Bunny
117. I am a chick that hatches in a basket on Easter,
I have no mom, and I don’t make a sound. What am I?
Answer: A peep!
118. The stone rolled away, the tomb lay bare.
But the angel said, I am no longer there! Who am I?
Answer: Jesus!
119. I grow larger when you take away more from me. What am I?
Answer: A pit!
120. I am a shell without a sea, filled with chocolate, you will agree! What am I?
Answer: Easter Egg
121. I hold Easter, but not in my hand.
You can find a spring in me, but it doesn’t bounce.
I come in with a roar, but I’m not a lion. What am I?
Answer: April.
122. I am a symbol of rebirth and grace,
A decorated shell with a smiling face. What am I?
Answer: Decorated Easter Egg
123. I have a nose but it does not wiggle.
I have ears but they cannot hear.
I am sweet. What am I?
Answer: Chocolate Bunny!
124. I am a sweet dessert, a seasonal treat.
Baked with love and oh, so neat. What am I?
Answer: Easter Cake
125. I look like the letter ‘t’ and am a symbol of Christianity.
Who am I?
Answer: Cross
126. I am a fuzzy friend with long ears,
Bring joy and laughter, calming fears. What am I?
Answer: Easter Bunny Stuffed Animal
127. I’m searched for but never lost.
I come in all colors, shapes, and sizes.
I bring happiness, but I can’t be happy. What am I?
Answers: Easter basket!
128. I am a flower, so pretty and bright, a bloom of spring, a pure delight.
What am I?
Answer: Easter Lily
129. In March or April these things abound
A certain bunny leaves these on the ground. What are they?
Answer: Easter eggs!
130. I am a celebration, joyful and grand, The resurrection is what I stand.
What am I?
Answer: Easter Sunday
131. I do not march, but I arrive during it.
I bring new life, but I’m not a mother. What am I?
Answer: Spring.
132. I am an animal and I like to hop.
I have Easter eggs that I like to drop. Who am I?
Answer: Easter Bunny!
133. I am a basket of delights, filled with care,
Hidden eggs within, here and there. What am I?
Answer: Easter Basket
134. I have every color but I’m not a rainbow.
I can be sweet and sour.
I hide in green grass. What am I?
Answer: Jelly beans.
135. I am small, round and smell like cinnamon! Kids love to eat me.
What am I?
Answer: Hot Cross Buns!
136. I bounce but I don’t have a spring, I carry eggs but I don’t eat them.
Kids wait for me, but I don’t have any of my own. What am I?
Answer: The Easter Bunny.
137. I am a sweet treat, shaped like a chick.
Crispy and delicious, I give a sugar kick. What am I?
Answer: Easter Peep
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A receding hare-line!
Lettuce pray!
Because they wanted better celery!!
Because it wanted to try out an eggs-treme sport!
A bunny ribbit!
By hare-conditioning!