This holiday, unwrap more than just chocolate eggs with Fun Easter Trivia Questions and Answers for kids! Join us for a feast of 98 Easter Trivia facts as we unravel the origins, customs, and quirky tales behind your favorite Easter traditions.
Perfect for quiz night, family gathering as well as classroom, these Easter questions will have you hunting for the right answers.
- Easter Trivia Questions and Answers
- Easter Trivia True or False Questions
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Fun Easter Trivia Questions And Answers
From simple easter quiz questions about candies to Easter traditions, we have covered it all to make this hopping good Easter quiz highly entertaining!
1. What is the name for the period of 40 days before Easter? Answer: Lent
2. Where does Easter get its name from? Answer: The pagan goddess Eostre – the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility.
3. In what country did the tradition of the Easter bunny originate? Answer: Germany
4. Why do Christians celebrate Easter? Answer: To celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
5. Which is the official flower of Easter? Answer: Easter Lily!
Its white colour symbolises purity, hope, virtue, innocence, and life relating to the central idea of resurrection and new life of the holiday.
Quick Tip: Club this Easter trivia with Funny Easter Would You Rather.
6. Where is the most popular Easter parade held each year? Answer: New York City’s Fifth Avenue
This parade lasts nearly all day long starting at 10 a.m in the morning and finishing by 4 p.m in the evening.
7. Easter always falls between which two dates? Answer: March 22 and April 25
8. What dried fruit do you find in Hot Cross Buns? Answer: Raisins
9. What is the biggest breed of rabbit? Answer: Flemish Giant!
Related: Check out Fun Facts For Kids for more surprising facts!
10. Which animal is the Easter mascot in Australia? Answer: Bilby – it is a ground dwelling marsupial!
11. First Easter eggs were dyed in which color? Answer: Red
12. Where is the largest easter egg museum located? Answer: Ciechanowiec, Poland!
13. How many eggs are at display in the Easter Egg museum, Ciechanowiec, Poland? Answer: Over 1900 eggs!
Quick Tip: Make your Trivia session fun by including Silly Easter Riddles!
14. Which is the most popular Easter candy? Answer: Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs!
15. How many chocolate bunnies are produced each year in the United States of America? Answer: Over 90 million!
16. Which city holds the record for making the largest chocolate Easter egg? Answer: Tosca, Italy.
17. How big was the largest chocolate eggs? Answer: Standing tall at 34 ft 1.05 inches in height, the largest chocolate egg weighed a massive 7,200 kg.
18. Who brought the tradition of the Easter bunny to America? Answer: German immigrants!
19. When did the tradition of decorating Easter eggs start? Answer: In the 13th century!
20. Which animal signified the original Easter bunny in Germany ? Answer: A hare!
Related: Check out Easy Easter Crafts for Kids to make your home Easter ready!
21. According to the Bible, how many days passed between Jesus’ death and resurrection? Answer:Three!
22. How is the date for Easter Sunday decided? Answer: It is the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox.
Quick Tip: Make time for Meaningful Lenten Activities for Families to make the best of the holy season!
23. In Germany the egg laying Easter hare is called? Answer: “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws”!
24. What is the name of the egg race organised in White House lawns? Answer: White House Easter Egg Roll.
The event dates back to 1872 and is the largest annual public event held at White House with thousands of participants chosen through a lottery!
25. When was the first White House egg roll held? Answer: 1878!
Related: Pair Summer Trivia Quiz Questions with these Easter questions!
26. Under which president was the first White House Easter Egg Roll hosted? Answer: Rutherford B. Hayes!
27. Who introduced an Easter bunny to the White House Easter Egg Roll? Answer: Pat Nixon, wife of President Richard Nixon.
28. When was White House Easter bunny introduced? Answer: 1969.
29. What is considered to be traditional Easter food? Answer: Lamb
Related: Check out this Handprint Lamb Craft.
30. What do Finnish children dress as on Easter? Answer: Witches!
32. Which country has an island named after ‘Easter’? Answer : Chile!
Did you know Easter Island houses 887 giant head statues that were carved nearly 2000 years ago? For more, check out Fun History Facts for Kids!
33. Which food is traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday? Answer: Pancake!
34. When were Cadbury Creme Eggs introduced? Answer: 1963.
Initially named as Fry’s Creme Egg, they were renamed in 1971 to Cadbury Crème Eggs.
35. Which country started the art of dyeing eggs? Answer: Ukraine!
36. What is burned during Easter bonfires? Answer: Effigy of Judas Iscariot!
37. Which bird delivers Easter eggs to kids in Switzerland? Answer: Cuckoo!
38. What is the Sunday before Easter called? Answer: Palm Sunday!
39. What does Palm Sunday signify? Answer: It signifies Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and into the lives of Christians.
40. Which city hosted the world’s largest Easter egg hunt? Answer: Florida at Cypress Gardens Adventure Park in Winter Haven!
41. How many easter eggs were hidden in the Cypress Gardens Adventure Park, Florida? Answer: 501,000 eggs!
42. What do the Easter baskets symbolise? Answer: A bird’s nest
43. What foods are forbidden during lent? Answer: Meats.
44. What hat is traditionally worn during Easter? Answer: Easter bonnet!
45. Good Friday is a state holiday in how many US states? Answer: 12 – Connecticut, Texas, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Tennessee, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina and North Dakota!
46. Easter bunny stems from which Anglo-Saxon festival? Answer: Eostre!
47. Around Easter, what do people supposedly do to bring good luck for the rest of the year? Answer: Buy clothes!
48. When did the tradition of wearing new clothes on Easter start? Answer: 300 AD
49. What pagan goddess is associated with Easter? Answer: Ostara’, ‘Eastre’ or ‘Eostre – The pagan goddess of fertility & spring.
50. What date most Easter Sundays have fallen on? Answer: March 31 or on April 16 (22 times each) for the period starting from 1600 to 2099 AD!
51. Which day of Holy Week marks the Last Supper? Answer: Maundy Thursday!
52. Which week of lent signifies Holy Week? Answer: The week between Palm Sunday and Easter!
53. What is the traditional Ukrainian way of painting Easter eggs called? Answer: Pysanka meaning ‘to write’.
54. What egg-shaped candy was banned in the United States? Answer: Kinder Surprise Egg
55. What is another name for Easter Sunday? Answer: Resurrection day or Pascha!
56. Easter bunny made its first appearance in which US state? Answer: Pennsylvania!
57. Which egg shaped candy besides chocolate eggs is associated with easter? Answer: Jelly Beans!
58. Which is the most popular Jellybeans flavor? Answer: “Very Cherry” in Red!
59. According to the Bible, what did Judas traded Jesus for? Answer: 30 pieces of silver!
60. What was the name of the prisoner who was released instead of Jesus? Answer: Barabbas.
61. How did Easter Island get its name? Answer: It got its name as it was discovered on Easter Sunday by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen.
62. What Jewish holiday did Jesus celebrate? Answer: Passover
63. How much time did it take to produce a single marshmallow Peep in 1953? Answer: 27 hours!
64. How much time does it take now to produce a single marshmallow Peep? Answer: Six minutes!
65. What holiday is celebrated on the last day before Lent begins? Answer: Shrove Tuesday!
66. What is the first day of lent called? Answer: Ash Wednesday!
67. Which two games are traditionally played with Easter eggs? Answer: Easter egg roll and Egg hunt!
68. Who composed the ‘Easter parade’ song? Answer: Irving Berlin
69. If you are in Australia, Easter would come in which season? Answer: Autumn!
70. Easter Bonnet was popularized by which song? Answer: Easter Parade
71. Easter Season lasts for how many days? Answer: 7 weeks starting from Easter Sunday.
72. The Easter Season ends on which day? Answer: Pentecost Sunday!
73. The Easter Season is also called? Answer: Eastertide or Paschaltide!
74. In Hungary, what is painted on Easter eggs as a symbol of good luck? Answer: Horseshoe!
75. What is the name of the traditional fruitcake with marzipan balls served at tea time on Easter in England? Answer: Simnel Cake
76. How many marzipan balls are there on a Simnel cake? Answer: 11!
77. What do the marzipan balls on Simnel cake represent? Answer: Jesus’s disciples, minus Judas.
78. Jesus’s disciples are also called? Answer: Apostles!
79. Which popular breakfast cereal features a rabbit? Answer: Trix!
80. Which chocolatier produced the first hollow chocolate Easter? Answer: Fry’s in 1873!
81. Which country celebrates Easter Monday by hosting friendly water fights? Answer: Poland!
Easter Trivia True or False Questions
If you are looking to entertain toddlers, preschoolers and young kids, might we suggest these Funny Easter true or false questions with answers! This simple and easy Easter trivia is perfect for young kids who are still learning about the holiday.
82. The egg represents “new life,” and hence the resurrection of Christ on Easter – True or False? Answer: True!
83. Easter is the top-selling candy holiday – True or False? Answer: False – It is Halloween followed by Easter!
84. Is it true that buying new clothing for Easter is said to bring good luck for the rest of the year ? Answer: Yes, it’s true!
85. Lilies are the traditional flower for Easter – True or False? Answer: True!
86. White House Easter egg roll began in 1935 – True or False? Answer: False. It began in 1878
87. First Easter eggs were dyed in violet color – True or False? Answer: False. They were dyed red!
88. In Switzerland, Easter Eggs are delivered by a cuckoo instead of a bunny – True or False? Answer: True!
89. Easter eggs are dyed red to represent the blood of Christ – True or False? Answer: True!
90. Easter Island is an island in Argentina – True or False? Answer: False! It is in Chile!
91. Hot cross buns are traditionally made on Shrove Tuesday – True or False? Answer: False! Pancakes are traditionally made on Shrove Tuesday.
92. Easter Bunny originated in Medieval England – True or False? Answer: False! The Easter bunny originated in Germany.
93. The tradition of the Easter bunny started in the 17th century – True or False? Answer: True!
94. Easter Egg roll at the White House takes place in the Front Lawn – True or False? Answer: True!
95. Easter Island is located in the Atlantic Ocean – True or False? Answer: False – it is in the Pacific Ocean!
96. The date of Easter is determined by the lunar cycle – True or False? Answer: True!
97. Ham is the traditional meat eaten on Easter – True or False? Answer: False. Lamb is the traditional meat for Easter!
98. There are 12 marzipan balls on a Simnel cake – True or False? Answer: False – there are 11 marzipan balls!
Download Easter Trivia With Answers Free Printable
Play this fun Easter trivia with answers for kids by printing out these free printable trivia cards. They are a great resource for classroom and will help your students soak up fun easter facts.
1. What is the name of the egg race organised in White House lawns? Answer: White House Easter Egg Roll
2. What is considered to be traditional Easter food? Answer: Lamb
3. What do Finnish children dress as on Easter? Answer: Witches!
4. What is the Sunday before Easter called? Answer: Palm Sunday!
5. If you are in Australia, Easter would come in which season? Answer: Autumn!
6. In Switzerland, Easter Eggs are delivered by a cuckoo instead of a bunny – True or False? Answer: True!
7. Easter Island is an island in Argentina – True or False? Answer: False! It is in Chile!
8. The date of Easter is determined by the lunar cycle – True or False? Answer: True!