This Earth Day, teach environment conservation and sustainability through Earth Day Jokes for kids. An engaging way to bring attention to Mother Earth, these 119 Earth Day Jokes & Puns will tickle your funny bone while bringing attention to climate change and environmental issues.
Humour is a great way to grab attention and these funny Earth Day Jokes do just that! They are a clever way to raising awareness about our planet’s health, besides being an excellent way to celebrate Earth Day.
Include these silly jokes on Earth Day in your classroom morning routine, Earth Day party game or simply crack them up at your Earth Day celebrations!
Hearty, healthy laughs assured!
Best Earth Day Jokes
Add a generous dash of humour to your Earth Day celebrations with these funny jokes for kids and adults! These silly Earth Day riddle jokes for kids & adults are a perfect accompaniment to Earth Day activities at school, workplace and home.
We bet these is no better way to celebrate…After all, nothing quite beats a good joke!
1. What’s the difference between weather and climate? You can’t weather a tree, but you can climate!
2. Why did the Earth get in trouble at school? Because of its many faults!
3. What did the tree wear to the pool party? Swimming trunks.
4. What did the ground say to the earthquake? You crack me up!
5. Where do fishes go to work? To Offish!
6. Why are people always tired on Earth Day? Because they just finished a March!
Quick Tip: Pair these jokes with Meaningful Earth Day Activities.
7. Where do bees go to celebrate Earth Day? Bee-jing and Sting-apore!
8. What did one cloud say to the other cloud? I mist you!
9. What kind of plant grows on your hand? Palm tree.
Related: Try these wonderful, hands-on Plant Activities for Kids this Earth Day!
10. What kind of shorts do clouds wear? Thunderwear!
11. What snack do the bees buy on April 22nd? Bees-cuits!
12. What did the Earth say to other planets? You guys have no life!
13. What do you call a lazy kangaroo? Pouch potato!
14. Which bus crossed the Atlantic Ocean? Christopher ColumBUS.
15. Why does Earth have only one moon? Because it is moon-ogamous!
16. How can you tell if the ocean is friendly? It waves!
17. Why did the Earth break up with the other planets? Because it needed space!
18. What kind of bow can’t be tied? A rainbow!
19. How do trees access the internet? They log on!
20. Where did the lightning bolt propose? Cloud 9!
21. What did the tornado say to the washing machine? Want to go for a spin?
22. How do you know if a tree is intelligent? It has a lot of branches!
23. What does Earth get on Earth day? A birthday quake!
Quick Tip: Engage kids with Earth Day Videos.
24. Where do saplings go to learn? Elementary school.
25. What did one tectonic plate say to another? I’ve got a lot on my plate right now!
26. What did the limestone say to the geologist? Don’t take me for granite!
27. Why did the Sun go to school? To get brighter!
Quick tip: Check out these Funny Teacher Jokes to just brighten up your class.
28. What’s a weatherman’s favourite type of shoe? Rain boots!
29. What is a tree’s favourite drink? Root Beer!
30. What’s a tornado’s favorite game? Twister!
31. What falls in winter but never gets hurt? Snow!
32. How do oil companies deal with oil spills? Slick lawyers.
33. What did the Sun say to the Earth during a heatwave? “You look hot!”
Related: Funny Science Jokes & Puns for Everyone
34. Why did the weather report say it was raining cats and dogs? Because there were poodles all over the street!
35. What do you get when you cross a tree and a bicycle? A greener way to commute and help reduce carbon emissions!
36. Why did the woman go outdoors with her purse open? Because she expected some change in the weather!
37. Why did the farmer plant a seed in his pond? He was trying to grow a water-melon!
38. Did you hear about the lawyer who tried to sue a shark for biting his limbs off? He didn’t have any legs to stand on!
39. What did one volcano say to the other volcano? I lava you!
40. Why did the Earth go to space school? To improve its atmosphere.
41. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
42. How does the oak tree inform the forest about the Earth Day party? Through a tele-phone!
43. Why did the leaf go to the doctor? It was feeling green!
44. What did one lightning bolt say to the other? You’re truly shocking!
45. Why did the tree go to the dentist? To get a root canal!
46. Why don’t you pay for dead batteries? Because they are free of charge!
47. What is the best way to communicate with fish? Drop it a line!
48. What did the beach say to the wave? Long tide, no sea!
49. Why did the tree get into a fight with the fence? It was barking up the wrong trunk!
50. What did the flower say after it told a joke? I was pollen your leg.
51. Did you hear about the red ship that collided with the blue ship? All the sailors were marooned.
52. How do trees promote the pledge to protect the Earth? By handing out leaf-lets.
53. What did one tidepool say to the other tidepool? Show me your mussels!
54. When was our world born? On its B-Earth-Day!
55. What did Obi Wan Kenobi say to the tree on Earth Day? May the Forest be with you.
56. Who is known to be smarter than a talking parrot? A spelling bee!
57. Which is the most popular fish in the ocean? The starfish!
58. Why did the meteorologist go outside with a bar of soap? They wanted to see if there was a chance of a shower!
59. How does a hurricane see? By its one eye.
60. What runs but never goes out of breath? A river!
61. Why don’t oysters contribute to charity? Because they’re shellfish!
62. How do you cut a wave in half? Use a sea saw.
63. What kind of flower grows on your face? Tulips!
Quick Tip: Pair these funny jokes with Would You Rather Questions to spice things up!
64. What do you call it when worms take over the world? Global worming!
65. What do you call a rooster that crows every morning? An alarm cluck!
66. What’s a honey bee’s favourite gift for Earth Day? A Bee-gonia
Quick Tip: Learn All About Bees and their pivotal role in the environment!
67. What is the best way to learn more about spiders that live in the rainforest? Check out their web site!
68. Which bird suffers most from air pollution? A Puffin.
Related: Check out this Fun Paper Bird craft to make a cure rocking bird under 10 mins!
69. What does the Sun drink from? Sun-glass!
70. What happens when it rains cats and dogs? You have to be careful not to step on a poodle!
71. What did the Earth say to the Sun? “You always warm me up!”
72. What did one firefly say to the other? “Sorry, gotta glow.”
73. Where do rocks go to sleep? Bedrocks.
74. Do bees fly in the rain? Not without their yellow jackets!
75. Why did the gardener plant light bulbs? She wanted to grow a power plant!
76. What do you call leprechauns who collect aluminium cans, used newspapers and plastic bottles? Wee-cyclers!
Related: Funny St. Patrick’s Day Jokes
77. What’s the biggest moth in the world? A mammoth!
78. What did seaweed say when it got stuck at the bottom of the ocean? “Kelp! Kelp!”
79. What do you give to a sick lemon? A Lemon-AID
Recycling Jokes For Earth Day
While these Earth Day jokes cannot reduce your carbon footprint, they can surely reduce your anxiety caused by global warming and climate change!
These recycling earth day jokes are a light-hearted way to look into the problem of global waste and its impact on the health of our planet.
Use them as lunch box notes for your kids to get them thinking about the challenges of recycling and coming up with creative solutions.
80. What did the recycling bin say to the trash can? I know you are garbage, but I love you anyway!
81. How do you know if a recycling bin is happy? It’s bin smiling!
82. What do you call a recycling bin that’s always dancing? A can can!
83. How do I save energy? I normally use the couch.
84. What do you call a high ranking soldier who hates recycling? General Waste!
85. Why are recycle bins optimistic? Because they’re full of cans.
86. Why did the recycling bin get sent to the principal’s office? It was caught throwing paper planes.
87. In honour of Earth day, I’m sending all of my work-related emails to my “recycle” folder.
88. Why was the recycling bin so cold? It left its lid off!
89. Did you hear the one about the recycling family of triplets? Polly, Ethel and Ian
90. What lies between a good recycler and a bad recycler? Oregon!
91. What is a good ice breaker question for dating? Anything on Global Warming!
92. How does a recycling bin get a six-pack? It does a lot of crunches!
93. Why did the Earth Day chicken cross the road? To get to the other side of the recycling bin!
94. What did the recycling bin say to the trash can? “I feel cans-tipated!”
95. Why did the recycling bin feel sad? It had a lot of empty feelings!
One-liner Earth Day Puns
Nothing makes a point faster than a good funny one-liner joke! These Earth Day puns are straight to the point and perfect for office, classroom as well as home!
Sure to make everyone giggle, they give a crisp message at conserving our planet and taking care of it!
96. Take care of Earth. There’s no planet B.
97. Environmentalists are huge fans of wind farms!
98. Earth without art is just “eh”.
99. I love the way the Earth rotates. It makes my day.
100. I didn’t know it was Earth Day. I’m usually in the dark about it!
101. One day the amount of plastic in the ocean will be irreversible… And that will be the last straw!
102. What kind of hair oceans have? Wavy hair.
103. I used to work in a recycling plant, crushing cans. But I had to quit, it was soda pressing (so depressing)!!
104. I wanted to throw an Earth Day party… but I forgot to plan-et!
105. What did the little tree say to the big tree? Leaf me alone!
106. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!
107. I’m rooting for the environment.
108. What did the mother worm say to her son who was late? “Where in earth have you been?”
109. What do trees feel on Earth Day? Re-leaf.
110. What is a tree’s least favorite month? Sep-timber!
111. What makes the Earth so great? It’s well-rounded.
112. Earth is so calming, it keeps me grounded.
113. How many climate sceptics does it take to change a lightbulb? None because they’d rather live in the dark.
114. Why is grass so dangerous? Because it’s full of blades.
115. We all pledge not to leaf the earth in a mess!
116. Lettuce take care of the planet.
117. Why do tornadoes zigzag? They’re dizzy!
118. Jack, the environmentalist, got arrested for celebrating Earth Day and switching off all plugs. Guess, he shouldn’t have done it in a hospital!
119. The world is our oyster, let’s take care of it.
Hope you had a hearty laugh with these funny Earth Day Jokes.
Another fun way to celebrate the planet is to read books and help children understand simple ways by which they can help Mother Earth. These Earth Day Books are a great way to encourage kids to be eco-friendly and make better choices!
Happy Earth Day!
1. Earth without art is just “eh”.
2. Take care of Earth. There’s no planet B.
3. What did the recycling bin say to the trash can? I know you are garbage, but I love you anyway!
4. What did the Earth say to the Sun? “You always warm me up!”
5. Why did the Earth go to space school? To improve its atmosphere.
6. How does a hurricane see? By using one eye.
7. What did one lightning bolt say to the other? You’re truly shocking!
8. What did one tectonic plate say to another? I’ve got a lot on my plate right now!