When thinking about bird crafts for kids, Cardinal Paper Plate craft is a must! This exotic cardinal craft for kids clubs paper plate crafts with handprint crafts, making it a big hit with little ones.
This easy winter preschool handprint cardinal craft for preschoolers is a great way to spend time indoors. Sure to brighten up sullen moods, this cardinal craft is a fun way to spark a discussion on Northern Cardinals.

Easy Cardinal Paper Plate Craft
Our paper plate handprint cardinal craft is super easy and fun to make. This simple arts and crafts project for preschoolers and kindergarteners is sure to excite them and get them curious about these bright red-feathered birds.
And the best part? It uses simple, common craft supplies to make this cardinal craft for preschoolers.
Supplies For Paper Plate Cardinal Craft
- Paper plate
- Construction paper
- Watercolours
- Googly eye
- Paint brush
- Scissors
- Glue
How To Make Easy Cardinal Craft With Paper Plate
Step 1: Take a paper plate, cut it into half and paint it red. Set it aside to dry.
Step 2: Take red construction paper, trace your kid’s handprints twice and cut them out.
Step 3: Draw cardinal’s neck and face on red craft paper and cut it out.
Step 4: Cut out a small section of black craft paper for the black patch around the eyes and the mouth. Paste it on the neck cutout.
Step 5: To make the bill of the cardinal, cut a small triangle from red construction paper and paste it on the black patch.
Step 6: Paste googly eye on the black patch to complete the face of the cardinal bird craft.
Step 7: Cut out a rectangle from red paper, fold it into half and draw a rectangle like shown to make the tail feathers of cardinal craft. Cut it out and using a black pen draw lines at the wider end to give definition to the tail feathers.
Step 8: Draw the legs of the cardinal on black paper and cut them out.
Step 9: Paste the neck and tail on the paper plate.
Step 10: Next, glue the handprint feathers on the straight side of the paper plate. Glue the legs on the curved side, from behind, of the paper plate.
Your paper plate Cardinal is ready! Isn’t it an easy bird craft for preschoolers?
Make this cute cardinal paper plate craft on rainy days or snowy, chilly days to banish boredom and keep your kid’s learning.
Watch the Video Tutorial of Cardinal Bird Craft Here
Fun Fact: These bright red feathered birds a state birds for seven US States -Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia
So in case you are doing a state unit on any of the above states or simply reading winter books for kids, make sure to add this easy cardinal paper plate craft.
Also check out this cute rocking bird craft that is super easy to make and fun to play with!