Welcome sunshine and bid bye to chilly winters with this best list of 133 Spring Jokes for Kids! Corny and silly, these seasonal jokes for spring will have everyone giggling.
Choose from a collection of New Spring jokes to add to your day, slip them in your conversations or use them as lunch box notes to make way for spring humour!
- Best Spring Jokes for Kids
- Spring Break Jokes For Kids
- Spring Jokes About Weather
- Spring Dad Jokes
- Spring Knock-Knock Jokes
- Spring One-Liners
- Spring Jokes Printable
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Best Spring Jokes For Kids
These spring joke riddles will get your kids rolling with laughter and are a must for the season of renewal and new beginnings!
1. What did the gardener do when all the plants in his farm wilted? He threw in the trowel!
2. What bug is always on time for spring? A clock-roach!
3. How do you make rabbit stew? Make it wait for hours!
4. What is the farmer’s favourite game? Tic-tac-grow!
5. What do gardeners wear on their legs? Garden hose.
6. Why did the farmer tell spring jokes to his ducks? Because he wanted to quack them up!
7. Why did the egg go to bed? Because it was fried!
8. Why couldn’t the flower ride its bike? Because it lost its petals!
Quick Tip: Pair these jokes with Spring Would You Rather for more fun!
9. How do pigs relax in springtime? In a ham-mock!
10. What is a penguin’s favourite vegetable? Snow-peas!
11. Why are frogs so happy? They eat whatever bugs them!
12. How do bees brush their hair? With honeycombs!
Related: Dive into the world of bees with Bee Fun Facts and Activities for Kids!
13. What did the big flower say to the little one? You are growing fast, bud!
14. What happens when two plants kiss each other on their cheeks? Tulips happen!
15. Why do farmers bury their money in the soil? To make the soil rich!
Quick Tip: Club Fun Summer Quiz Questions for Kids along with these silly jokes!
16. What is the most delicious flower? A Delphini-yum!
17. Why did the chicken take a nap? Because it was eggs-hausted!
18. What did the duck wear to the spring wedding? A ducks-edo!
19. What do you get when you cross a vegetable and a pair of scissors? Par-snips!
20. Why does the letter A like flowers? Because a ‘b’ comes after it.
21. When is it impossible to plant spring flowers? When you haven’t studied botany!
Quick tip: Check out these interesting Plant Science Activities & Experiments for Kids.
22. How do you know flowers are friendly? They always have new buds!
23. Which flower did the boy give his mom on her birthday? A Son-flower!
24. Why is spring a great time to start a gardening business? Because it’s the season when you can really rake in the cash.
25. Which superhero likes spring the best? Robin!
Quick Tip: Pair these silly springtime jokes with Spring Trivia Quiz to sneak in cool fun facts about spring!
26. What did the seed say to the flower? OK, Bloomer!
27. Did you hear about the flower who went on a date with another flower? It’s a budding romance.
28. What did the bean say to the sprout? “Grow up!”
29. What is a flower’s favorite kind of pickle? A daffo-dill!
30. What will you call a flower that loves to dress up? A dandy-lion!
31. Should I plant flowers in April? May as well!
32. This spring, my mom opened a flower and gift shop. Business is blooming!
Quick Tip: Welcome spring with Easy Spring Crafts for Kids!
33. What’s a tree’s favourite drink? Root beer!
34. What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny!
35. Why do you think the farmer planted the seed in a pond? Because he wanted to grow a water-melon!
36. How do the bees go out in the rain? They wear yellow jackets before leaving!
37. The bed store is having a spring sale. Unfortunately, the rest of the beds are still full price!
38. Did you hear about the pregnant bedbug? She’s having her babies in the spring.
39. What do you call a flower that glows in the dark? A lightbulb!
40. What is a gardener’s favorite Beatles song? Lettuce Be!
41.What do trees wear to all pool parties? Swimming trunks!
42. What does a flower bomb sound like? “Kabloom.”
43. Did you hear about the pogo stick made out of plants? It’s made of spring onions!
44. Why doesn’t Conor McGregor like fighting in the spring? Because of Mayweather!
45. Did you meet that mushroom over there, I hear he’s the life of the party? He’s a pretty fun-gi!
Spring Break Jokes For Kids
Add humour to your spring break with these clean, kid-friendly spring break jokes! There is no better way to make your seasonal vacation fun than these funny spring jokes, which will help you make lifelong happy memories!
46. Why did the spring breakers miss their flight? They had no spring in their step.
47. Why did the man try to fix his bed? He heard there was a spring break.
48. What dessert is the most popular during spring break? A beach pie!
49. What does an elephant use to pack for spring break? A trunk!
50. Why are all the birds flying to Florida? For spring beak.
51. What did the chipper spring breaker say to his beach buddies? Seas the day!
52. Why do basketball players stay put during spring break? They fear they may get called out for traveling!
53. What’s the best part about clown college spring break? Everybody can go to Daytona Beach in one car!
54. Where do cows go for spring break? Moo Jersey!
55. What is an egg’s favorite spring break destination? New Yolk City.
Related: Pair these spring riddle jokes with Egg jokes for Kids!
56. Why can’t stores keep trampolines in stock during April? Because it’s spring break!
57. Why didn’t spring breakers go to the forest? The trees said leave us alone.
Weather Spring Jokes
With the unpredictable spring weather, it only makes sense to crack some Weather spring jokes to get everyone basking in the glorious season of new beginnings!
58. What did the dirt say to the rain? You’d better cut it out, or my name will be mud!
59. What did the tree say to spring? What a re-leaf!
60. How can you tell the weather’s getting warmer? There’s a spring in people’s step.
61. When do monkeys fall from the sky? During Ape-ril showers!
62. What do you call a bear caught in a spring shower? A drizzly bear!
63. What did summer say to spring? “Help – I’m about to fall!”
64. Did you see that all the snow and ice are melting? Yes, I thaw!
65. Which is the shortest month of spring? May – because it only has three letters!
66. I can never tell the difference between spring and winter. In autumn, I can’t tell the difference between the seasons.
67. What season is the best to go on a trampoline? Spring time!
68. Why are oak trees so forgiving? Every spring they turn over a new leaf.
69. Why do doctors hate popular Instagram accounts that only post in the spring? Because they’re seasonal influencers!
70. What did the clock say when the woman set it forward an hour? It’s about time!
71. What did the wall clock do after it was adjusted for daylight saving time? Nothing, it just hung around.
72. What does the writer suffer from each spring? A case of allegories!
Spring Dad Jokes
When we are talking about family-friendly humour, dad jokes are a must! That’s why we have rounded the best Dad jokes for spring that are goofy and pure fun.
73. Does February march? No, but April may!
74. What monster plays the most April Fool’s jokes? Prankenstein!
75. Did you know we prank one another on April 1? Yes, I’m fooly aware!
76. What can you find in the middle of April and March but not at the beginning or end of either? The letter R!
77. Why is everyone so tired on April 1st? Because they just finished a 31–day long March.
78. What is spring’s superpower? Flower power!
79. Why did the worm cross the ruler? To become an inch-worm!
80. What makes some plants better at math than others? Square roots!
Related: Throw in a few Math Jokes for kids for silly fun!
81. My beautiful bouquet of blooms died, but then they came back to life. It must have been reincarnation.
82. How does the sun listen to music? On the ray-dio!
83. What facial feature stands out the most during the spring? Your tu-lips!
84. Why are waterbeds so bouncy? Because they’re filled with spring water!
85. What’s a dinosaur’s least favorite part of spring? The Easteroid showers!
Quick Tip: Throw in a few Easter Riddle Jokes for more silly laughs!
86. What’s the difference between spring rolls and summer rolls? Seasoning!
87. Why is Yoda such a good gardener? Because he has a green thumb!
88. What would you name a country where people only drive pink cars? Pink carnation!
89. Why did the farmer put out a giraffe, monkey and an elephant in his farm? Because he wanted to grow zoo-cchini!
90. Why did one bee tease the other bee? Because he was acting like a bay-bee!
91. Which bird should you never let into a jewellery store? A robin!
92. What is a tree’s favorite dinosaur? The Tree-rex!
93. What is Spring’s favourite appetizer? A bloomin’ onion!
94. What does winter fat turn into? Spring rolls.
95. When’s the best time to wash your Slinky? During spring cleaning.
96. Who is the only Irishman that comes out in the Spring? Patty O’Furniture
Quick tip: Check out our 154 Funny St. Patrick’s Day Jokes and Puns for Family.
97. Where do flowers go when they get pollinated too early in the spring? Plant parenthood.
98. What kind of garden does a baker have? A “flour” garden.
99. What is the difference between thanksgiving day and April fool’s day? On one you are thankful and on the other, you are prankful!
100. It’s allergy season again?! You’ve got to be pollen my leg.
101. How do you plant a kiss in spring? With two-lips!
102. What month is always polite and asks questions? May!
103. Why is the strawberry sad? His mom was in a jam!
104. How can you tell it’s a dogwood tree? By the bark.
105. What kind of tree has hands? A palm tree.
106. What did the young palm tree say when its big brother was teasing it? “Leaf me alone.”
107. What do you call a girl with a frog on her head? Lily!
108. What do you call it when worms take over the world? Global Worming!
Spring Knock-Knock Jokes
Ring in the seasonal shift with Knock Knock Spring Jokes! We bet these corny knock knock jokes for spring will get your friends and family chuckling!
109. Knock, knock! Who’s there?
Worm! Worm who?
Worm in here, isn’t it?
110. Knock, knock! Who’s there?
Ears! Ears who?
Ears hoping you have a great spring!
111. Knock, knock! Who’s there?
Beezer. Beezer who?
Beezer buzzing, it must be spring.
112. Knock, knock! Who’s there?
Olive! Olive who?
Olive springtime!
113. Knock, knock! Who’s there?
Heidi! Heidi who?
Heidi the easter eggs in the garden!
114. Knock, knock! Who’s there?
It’s Swarm! Swarm who?
Swarm outside!
115. Knock, knock! Who’s there?
Robin! Robin Who?
Someone’s robin all my easter candy!
Quick Tip: Check out all season 213 Funny Knock-Knock Jokes for bouts of laughter!
Spring One Liners
Make way for smart and short spring jokes that will amuse and test your humour at the same time. These one-liner spring jokes & puns are perfect to slip in between conversation and catch your students’ attention or at the workplace.
Quick Tip: Explore these Funny Teacher Jokes too to brighten up your class!
116. I dropped a bottle of spring water into a pool. It turned into a trampoline.
117. Daylight saving time is on its way…everyone is losing sleep over it.
118. I can always spring for(ward) a good joke.
119. Who is Herb’s favourite singer? Elvis Parsley!
120. What kind of jokes to chicks tell? Egg-yokes!
123. What do you think spring told the airplane? Boeing!
124. What falls but never gets hurt? The rain!
125. What kind of pole you cannot climb? A tadpole!
126. The clock had to be rushed to the hospital! It fell back an hour.
127. What do you give a sick bird? Tweetment!
128. Who said time travel was impossible? Every spring, I go ahead an hour.
129. What do a lion and spring have in common? They both spring forward.
130. Spring has officially arrived in Ontario. The Leafs are out.
131. Why did the man sit on the clock? To be on time!
132. What’s a baby chick’s favorite food? Eggplant
133. There are 5 seasons that exist. Winter, Summer, Autumn, Spring, and Tax Season!
Download Spring Jokes Cards Free Printable
Download these Springtime jokes printable cards to share silly laughs anywhere! Perfect for home & classroom, these spring jokes for kids will have everyone giggling.