With the temperatures taking a nose dive, it’s time to explore Winter Activities for Kids to keep them busy! These fun winter theme ideas cover a range of activities from indoor & outdoor winter activities, to winter science activities as well as winter art & craft activities.
- Indoor Winter Activities
- Outdoor Winter Activities
- Winter Science Activities
- Winter Arts & Craft Activities
Sure to keep everyone happy and entertained, these Fun Winter Activities for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarten and older kids will make the chilly season super fun and memorable.
Indoor Winter Activities For Kids
1. Make Fake Snow
Cold weather should not stop kids from having fun. This chilly season make Fake Snow and let your kids indulge in snow play without getting cold.

A perfect indoor winter activity for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten kids, fake snow doubles up as a fun sensorial activity for kids. Easy to make and store, it is sure to keep cabin fever at bay and kids creatively engaged.
2. Winter Bingo
A fun winter activity for kids at home and school, Winter Bingo will banish boredom blues! Simply print our free Winter bingo Printable and you are all set for a fun game of winter inspired Bingo.
3. Winter Coloring
Coloring is a wonderful activity that not only boosts fine motor skills but also help the mind relax. Let your kids indulge in a fun winter coloring session while they are tucked indoors.
4. Winter Roll-A-Story
Give an outlet to children’s creativity with this fun indoor winter activity for kids. We love to play it as a group, with each player rolling the dice and adding to the story written by the earlier player.
5. Winter Would You Rather Game
One of the most loved winter activities for kids is Winter would You Rather. These winter season themed questions present silly choices to choose from and offer serious fun.
6. Decorate a Snowman
As the days get colder and hit freezing temperatures, it gets all the more difficult to go outside let alone make and decorate a snowman. Keeping that in mind, we decided to take things in hand and decorate a snowman indoors with this fun winter printable activity for preschool and older kids.
7. Pen a Letter
This is one winter activity that you should do together as a family. Encourage everyone to write a letter to themselves for the next winter season. Once everyone has finished writing their letters, seal them in envelopes and open them the next season.
Not only this activity will boost creative writing skills of kids but also make lifelong memories and help them reflect.
8. Read Winter Books
Winter months offer a perfect opportunity to bundle up in a nook with a book. This winter, make sure to indulge in winter reading with kids to bring hygge home.
9. Make Hot Chocolate
This winter activity for kids is highly enriching and will truly awaken their senses. Follow your traditional home recipe or use a ready mix hot chocolate to teach kids to make this classic winter drink.
10. Ice Painting
This fun winter activity for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten kids is always a big hit. Kids love painting with ice.
Simply freeze colored ice with a popsicle stick to make ice paints are ready for a fun filled session of ice painting.
11. Three Word Game
A great winter activity for school, this Three word game will get kids thinking fast! Hand out the printable of the game to each child and let the fun begin. Children will race to write three words for each category, sharpening their brains.
12. Winter Word Search
Another fun winter activity for kids of all ages, word search is always a hit with children. Besides being a fun puzzle, word search have a clever way to sneak in literacy skills.
13. Roll a Snowman
Kids can never get enough of snowman activities for winter! So, here is another one where kids roll the dice to make their very own snowman.
Roll a Snowman is a fun and easy winter activity for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten that can be made into a fun game for family as well! Simply take turns rolling the dice and the first player to complete the snowman wins the game.
14. Read About Winter Solstice
Make sure to read about Winter Solstice with kids. This ancient celebration has been observed by many civilisations across the globe and continues to charm people even today!
15. Describe The Snowman
This winter activity for 7 year olds is a fun way to get them practise their literacy skills. The activity challenges kids is to think of adjectives to describe their snowman and write a a line or two describing the snowman.
Outdoor Winter Activities For Kids
15. Nature Walk
This winter season, explore the nature with your kids and breathe in the crisp, fresh air. Going on nature walks has tremendous health benefits and is also good for family bonding.
16. Ice Fishing
What could be a better outdoor winter activity for kids than ice fishing! Sure to hone their life skills, it is a perfect winter activity for families who love outdoors!
17. Host a Star Gazing Night
Make the best use of long winter nights by hosting a star gazing session. Set up a few blankets, grab a telescope if you have one and you are all set to explore the wonders of the night sky.
We recommend using a star gazing app like Star Walk 2 to look for constellations, planets and stars that you can spot easily.
18. Winter Bonfire Picnic
This is one of the most loved outdoor winter activities for kids and families. Set up a winter picnic with a small bonfire in your backyard or in the woods. It is a wonderful way to bond with kids and meaningful conversations with them. Just remember to keep things light and fun!
19. Winter Obstacle Course
Get kids moving with a winter obstacle course. Make marks on the snow, use props like hula-hoops, ropes to set up a fun obstacle course in the snow and let the fun begin. Notch up the challenge by setting a timer.
20. Snow Painting
An easy winter activity for toddlers and kids all the way upto 8 years old, snow painting always manages to keep kids busy without too much fuss. Easy to set up, it is a simple outdoor play activity idea.
21. Scavenger Hunt
Challenge kids to winter scavenger hunt. There is so much to be found during winters! From fallen pinecones, lichens to red cardinals. Let your kids test their observation skills and on the way learn all about the winter outdoors!
22. Snow Fighting
While it is a classic winter activity for kids, it is worth mentioning just in case you forget it. Simple make sure to set up the rules like no hitting above the neck, everyone must wear snow goggles and clean play.
23. Try Yoga Outdoors
How about a session of Yoga outdoors? Roll out your yoga mats outdoors and practise a few Yoga poses like sun salutation, warrior 1 to stretch your body and break the winter lethargy.
24. Frozen Bubbles
If you happen to live in one of those frigid zones with minus temperatures, this is a must do! All you need to do is head outdoors, blow the bubbles near the ground where they can settle and watch them magically freeze.
It is a beautiful sight to see the ice crystals developing within the bubbles, eventually freezing them. We recommend making this simple bubble solution that assures strong, bouncy bubbles for this perfect winter activity!
We promice this winter activity will delight your toddlers and teens alike.
25. Snow Bowling
Bring the fun of bowling outdoors on snow this winter. Set up the bowling pins or empty bottles and let the fun begin.
Winter Science Activities For Kids
26. DIY Ice Cream With Snow
This snow season, make sure to get your kids to make Ice-cream on their own using snow! Simply follow this easy Ice-cream in a bag recipe and replace ice with snow from your yard.
27. Make Ice Lanterns
Nothing can beat the warm glow of ice lanterns on winter evenings. Sure to get children excited, this easy winter science activity for kids is lots of fun.
28. Möbius Hearts
Integrate math with arts with this STEM Winter activity for kids! Perfect for Valentine’s Day, this activity is almost magical.
29. Oreo Moon Phases
Winter nights offer a perfect time to observe the lunar cycle and learn about the phases of moon. We suggest learning about the moon phases and making a photo journal to document the journey of our celestial neighbour.
30. Color Changing Oobleck
Ignite the love for science with this simple winter science activity – Color Changing Oobleck. Easy to set up and make, this magical oobleck is a hands-on way to sneak in science through a fun playful activity.
31. Make Coin Structures
This hands-on Winter STEM activity will keep kids mindfully busy on chilly winter days. All they need to get started with this open-ended activity is coins and they are all set for fun building challenges.
Explore more STEM Winter Activity Ideas to sneak in science, technology, engineering & math thorough fun-based activities.
Winter Art & Craft Activities
32. DIY Paper Toys
Get kids into creative mode, making their own fun play things with these DIY paper toys. Kids will love making and playing with them.
33. Paper Bag Snowflake
This is a quintessential winter craft for kids that will help children explore their creativity. Easy to make, these paper bag snowflakes make for a perfect winter decoration.
34. Moving Snowman
Here is another winter craft that doubles up as a DIY toy for kids. It uses simple supplies and is a fun craft to make with kids.
35. Pasta Snowflakes
For kids who have more patience, this is the craft to lay hands on! These beautiful pasta snowflakes craft for kids look stunning as Xmas tree ornaments and are sure to catch attention.
Looking for easier and more fun crafts, hop onto our List of 15 Winter Crafts for Kids that include cute bookmarks, arctic animals and much more!
Here are some fun activities that kids would love to do during winters:
1. Make Fake Snow
2. Read Winter Books
3. Ice Fishing
4. Winter bornfire picnic
5. Snow painting