What better way to spice-up chilly winter days than indulging in a Winter themed Would You Rather Questions Game! These silly and fun 125 Winter Would You Rather Questions will warm up kids stuck inside, on the brink of cabin fever and put smiles back on their faces!
This classic Would You Rather winter edition is a great way to make merry on snowy days and is just the right ice-breaker (pun intended!) for kids and family.
- Winter Would You Rather Questions
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- Winter Would You Rather Google Slides

Winter Would You Rather Questions For Family
These Would You Rather Questions for Winter season adds up as a great Winter activities for kids on frosty days or a perfect game to play while travelling for holidays!
1. Would you rather spend winters in Norway or in Canada?
2. Would you rather spend a winter night in an igloo or a wood cabin?
3. Would you rather drink hot cocoa or turmeric latte?
4. Would you rather make a snowman or have a snowball fight with friends?
Quick Tip: Check out this Easy Moving Snowman Craft for Kids!
5. Would you rather go ice fishing or ice skating?
6. Would you rather migrate like an Arctic tern or hibernate like a bear?
Related: Check out our Hibernation STEM e- journal to teach kids about this winter adaptation!
7. Would you rather eat ice-cream or hot fudge?
8. Would you rather have long, mild winters or short, harsh winters?
9. Would you rather spot a flying reindeer or a shooting star?
Quick Tip: Make this Easy Reindeer Craft with kids.
10. Would you rather see Northern lights or spot meteor showers?
11. Would you rather go snow tubing or skiing?
Quick Tip: Don’t forget to check out 320 Would You Rather Questions for an epic game session!
12. Would you rather make an ice sculpture or snow angel?
13. Would you rather shovel snow or cut logs for a bonfire?
14. Would you rather play ice hockey or go ice skating?
15. Would you rather make winter crafts or indulge in winter activities?
Related: Check out Best Winter Activities for Kids to keep them happily busy & learning!
16. Would you rather spot the elusive polar bear or snow leopard?
17. Would you rather experience North Pole winters or South Pole winters?
18. Would you rather go back in time to the Ice Age or Stone Age?
19. Would you rather catch snowflakes or catch hailstones?
Quick Tip: Make this Easy Paper Bag Snowflake to unleash your creative side!
20. Would you rather pat a snowy owl or an arctic fox?
21. Would you rather wear fuzzy socks or fuzzy underwear?
22. Would you rather wear wet socks or wear wet mittens?
23. Would you rather make a gingerbread house or bake a Christmas cake?
Related: Also check out Christmas themed Would You Rather Questions.
24. Would you rather make an ice castle or a giant snowman?
25. Would you rather wear mittens or wear a scarf?
26. Would you rather sit by a warm fire with a book or have a game night with family?
Related: Check out these wonderful Winter Books for Kids to read together!
27. Would you rather sip hot chicken noodle soup or hot chocolate?
28. Would you rather celebrate Christmas with your family or go on a holiday for Christmas?
Quick Tip: Throw in a few Christmas Trivia Questions here and there to sneak in cool Christmas facts for kids!
29. Would you rather go snowshoeing or hiking?
30. Would you rather watch all Chronicles of Narnia or Frozen back to back?
Related: For all the Frozen fans, here is the must try 165 Disney Trivia Questions!
31. Would you rather wear warm socks or warm caps?
32. Would you rather have a pet penguin or a pet seal?
33. Would you rather build a snow fort or snowman?
34. Would you rather spend a snow day tucked indoors or outdoors?
35. Would you rather wear an ugly sweater or ugly mittens?
36. Would you rather ride a sledge pulled by a red nosed reindeer or a polar bear?
37. Would you rather play tic-tac-toe in snow or make snow art?
38. Would you rather go cycling on snowy trails or on a frozen lake?
39. Would you rather go on a winter hike or a winter scavenger hunt?
Quick Tip: Club these winter questions with Clean Valentine Would You Rather Questions for more fun!
40. Would you rather take a drive to look at the holiday lights or play games indoors?
41. Would you rather drink hot apple cider or pumpkin spice?
42. Would you rather follow Yeti tracks or bunny tracks on the snow?
43. Would you rather make a snow maze or snow castle?
44. Would you rather observe the winter solstice or winter equinox?
45. Would you rather go on a lookout for beaver dens or winter animals?
46. Would you rather spend time studying snowflakes alone or shovelling snow in the driveway with friends?
47. Would you rather climb a snow covered small hill or walk across a frozen pond?
48. Would you rather play fun games outdoors in the snow or inside a wooden cabin?
49. Would you rather stick your tongue on an icicle or frost?
50. Would you rather go camping in winter season or spring season?
51. Would you rather make ice lanterns or bird feeders?
Related: Check out How to Make Winter Lanterns to bring hygge home!
52. Would you rather cuddle up for a movie night or spend the night singing holiday songs?
53. Would you rather go snowmobiling or sledging?
54. Would you rather have a long winter season or a long summer season?
55. Would you rather have a white Christmas or a warm Christmas?
56. Would you rather explore a frozen creek or a frozen pond?
57. Would you rather go skiing or sledging?
58. Would you rather have a carrot for a nose or sticks for hands?
59. Would you rather have a fur coat like a polar bear or blubber like seals?
60. Would you rather howl like a wolf or hoot like an owl?
Related: Club these winter questions with evergreen 300+ Would you rather questions for kids
61. Would you rather wear an itchy sweater or itchy socks?
62. Would you rather ride a dog drawn sledge or a wolf drawn sleigh?
63. Would you rather take a swim in the cold sea or an ice bath in a frozen lake?
64. Would you rather ski down a tall mountain or go snow tubing on a steep, small hill?
65. Would you rather be friends with Yeti or a talking red-nosed reindeer?
66. Would you rather make a winter mandala or suncatcher?
67. Would you rather have a woolly mammoth’s tusks or reindeer’s antlers?
68. Would you rather swim on a snowy day or swim in a frozen lake on a sunny afternoon?
69. Would you rather rake the leaves or shovel the driveway?
70. Would you rather have teeth like Olaf or a nose like reindeer?
71. Would you rather ride the Polar Express or travel to Narnia?
72. Would you rather be chased by a snow monster or Yeti?
73. Would you rather have hot chocolate with marshmallows or pumpkin spice latte?
74. Would you rather have Penguin’s flippers for feet or polar bear’s fur coat for skin?
75. Would you rather have narwhal’s tusk or moose’s antlers?
76. Would you rather clean the house or rake the backyard?
77. Would you rather play ice hockey or watch the Super Bowl?
78. Would you rather watch the Winter Olympics or a movie?
79. Would you rather have an extended 10 days of winter or extended 10 days of summer?
80. Would you rather have a long winter break or long summer break?
81. Would you rather watch frozen or ice age on repeat for the whole day?
Related: Check out the Latest Family Movies to watch in 2023!
82. Would you rather get to meet magical elves or winter fairies?
83. Would you rather have Santa bring a gift for you or for your entire family but you?
Quick Tip: Check out these Cute Santa Christmas Gift Basket Craft for holiday favours!
84. Would you rather eat a ball of snow or an icicle cone?
85. Would you rather make snow angels in the fresh snow or play snowballing with your friends?
86. Would you rather sit by the fire indoors or go camping overnight?
87. Would you rather eat salty candy canes or chilli chocolate fudge?
88. Would you rather have the magical power to make it snow or make it rain?
89. Would you rather be friends with The Grinch or Leprechaun?
Related: Get ready for Patty day with these Silly Patrick’s Day Would You Rather Questions!
90. Would you rather live with penguins in Antarctica or live with polar bears in the Arctic?
91. Would you rather swim with a narwhal or walk along with a polar bear?
92. Would you rather waddle like a penguin or crawl like a seal?
93. Would you rather eat warm cookies or chocolate fudge everyday?
94. Would you rather have cold feet or cold hands?
95. Would you rather have icicles for hair or moose’s ears?
96. Would you rather make 20 snowmen or 20 snow angels?
97. Would you rather participate in a ski contest or snowman building contest?
98. Would you rather spend your winter holidays travelling with friends or visit your grandparents?
99. Would you rather have hot soup or spiced latte everyday in the winter?
100. Would you rather have winters with long hours of daylight or short daylight hours with auroras?
101. Would you rather have the superpower to make snow melt or stop snowfall?
102. Would you rather have snowfall for an hour everyday of the week or no snowfall at all?
103. Would you rather have a fox or a wolf for a pet?
104. Would you rather have the magic power to talk with Santa or talk with Rudolf?
105. Would you rather have the magic power to bring a snowman to life or a gingerbread man to life?
Related: Since we are talking about magic, it is only prudent to learn some with Harry Potter Inspired Magical Experiments for Kids!
106. Would you rather have a talking gingerbread man for a friend or be friends with the Grinch?
107. Would you rather be able to swim the cold seas like a whale or fly around the winter landscape like a snowy owl?
108. Would you rather sing Christmas songs or write letters to family & friends for every day of the winter vacation?
109. Would you rather wear Santa’s costume or Elf boots everyday to school?
110. Would you rather greet everyone with ‘Ho ho ho!” or hand cookies to everyone you meet?
111. Would you rather kiss a reindeer or an elf?
112. Would you rather have a real snow angel or an elf for a best friend?
113. Would you rather help distribute cookies to your school staff or help in the kitchen to bake them?
114. Would you rather make your own holiday cards or buy from a store?
115. Would you rather chat with your friends online or go to a winter fair together?
116. Would you rather cuddle a snowman or an elf?
117. Would you rather wear the same jumper or same socks everyday of the week?
118. Would you rather go on a nature walk or play in your backyard?
Quick Tip: Try these Fun Nature Walk Ideas to reconnect with nature.
119. Would you rather eat s’mores or toasted marshmallows?
120. Would you rather jump in a pile of leaves or a pile of snow?
121. Would you rather eat ice-cream or drink hot chocolate in the snowfall?
122. Would you rather spend a night in an igloo or a snow castle?
123. Would you rather spend your winters in a town with no sunlight or continuous sunlight all day long?
124. Would you rather skate on a frozen lake or an ice arena?
125. Would you rather play pin the snowman or snow tube race?
Download Winter Would You Rather Free Printable (pdf) Cards
Winter Would You Rather Google Slides For School
These Would You Rather Questions Google Slides are an excellent resource for classroom. Use them as a fun brain break for students and as a classroom morning routine to warm up your students.
Get your Winter Would You Rather Google Slides for Classroom here!