Check out our amazing list of 120 Corny Thanksgiving Jokes and Riddles that will not only lighten up the mood at Thanksgiving dinner but also keep kids and everyone else entertained.
These best Funny Thanksgiving Jokes and Puns are clean and prefect for anyone looking to bond over silly laughs! Remember, family that laughs together, stays together!
- Knock Knock Thanksgiving Jokes For Kids
- Hilarious Turkey Jokes
- Thanksgiving Food Jokes
- Pilgrims Thanksgiving Jokes
- One-Liner Thanksgiving Puns
Watch Our Latest Video on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is time to feast and enjoy together. Though it is supposed to be all fun gobbling up, we know it can get overwhelming for everyone.
That’s when these best Thanksgiving jokes for kids & adults come to the rescue. They are a great addition to thanksgiving activities and bring in the necessary humour to these holiday activities!
Knock Knock Thanksgiving Jokes For Kids
Start with the classic Knock knock jokes to get everyone in the mood. They are favourite with kids and never run out of style!
These funny Thanksgiving knock knock jokes will have everyone guessing and laughing at the dinner table. Just what Thanksgiving should be like!
1. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Don. Don who?
Don eat all the gravy, I want some more.
2. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Ben! Ben who?
Ben waiting for Thanksgiving all year!
3. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Norma Lee. Norma Lee who?
Norma Lee I don’t eat this much!
4. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Dishes! Dishes who?
Dishes a very bad Thanksgiving joke!
Quick Tip: Throw in a few Tongue Twisters while still at the Thanksgiving Table. They are great way to entertain family and guests.
5. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Dewey. Dewy who?
Dewey have to wait long to eat?
6. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Gladys! Gladys who?
Gladys finally Thanksgiving day!
7. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Olive. Olive who?
Olive the turkey stuffing!
8. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Tamara. Tamara who?
Tamara we’ll eat all the leftovers!
Related: Enjoying these? We have many more Knock Knock Jokes enough to last a whole week!
9. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Butter. Butter who?
Butter open up quick, I have a funny Thanksgiving joke to tell you!
10. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Annie. Annie who?
Annie body seen the turkey?
11. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Phillip. Phillip who?
Phillip a big plate of turkey and let’s start eating!
Quick Tip: Pair these turnkey day jokes with Best Thanksgiving Trivia for Kids to sneak in cool Thanksgiving facts!
12. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Arthur. Arthur who?
Arthur any leftovers?
13. Knock, Knock! Who’s there?
Handsome. Handsome who?
Handsome gravy to me, please.
Hilarious Turkey Jokes For Thanksgiving Dinner
It’s Thanksgiving and there is no sparing the turkey! These funny turkey jokes are almost like a thanksgiving tradition without which thanksgiving is incomplete.
So go ahead and crack these silly Turkey Thanksgiving jokes for hearty laughs! Pair them with Riddles for Kids to keep up the excitement and everyone engaged.
14. What do you call a rude turkey? A jerk-ey!
Related: Indulge in these cute Turkey Crafts for Kids to keep kids busy and get your home thanksgiving ready!
15. What key won’t open a door? A turkey!
16. Why did they let the turkey join the band? Because he had his own drumsticks.
17. What do you call a turkey the day after Thanksgiving? Lucky!
18. Why do turkeys love rainy days? They love fowl weather!
19. When do you serve rubber turkey? Pranksgiving!
20. What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter on Thanksgiving Day? Quack, quack!
Did you know Turkeys were worshipped as Gods by Mayan People? Crazy but true! Here are more Astonishing Fun Facts to baffle you!
21. What type of glass does a turkey drink from? A goblet.
22. If you call a big turkey a gobbler, what do you call a small one? A goblet.
23. Can a turkey jump higher than a house? Yes, because houses can’t jump!
24. What happened to the turkey that got in a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him!
25. Why did the turkey bring a microphone to dinner? He was ready for a roast.
26. What’s a running turkey called? Fast food.
27. How do you tell the difference between turkeys and chickens? Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving.
28. What did the turkey say to the computer? Google, google.
29. Why was the turkey arrested? The police suspected fowl play.
30. Why did the turkey cross the road? He didn’t want people to think he was a chicken!
Enjoying these Thanksgiving Dad Jokes? Keep on reading for more…
31. What’s blue and covered in feathers? A turkey holding its breath.
32. What’s a popular Thanksgiving dance? The turkey trot.
33. Who was the turkey thankful to on Thanksgiving? Vegetarians!
34. What does a one-legged turkey say? Wobble wobble!
Quick Tip: Club these silly jokes with Best Winter Would You Rather Questions for more fun!
35. How did the turkey get home for Thanksgiving? She took the gravy train!
36. What does a turkey dress up as for Halloween? A gobblin!
37. What do turkeys like to do in the summertime? Have peck-nics!
38. Why can’t you take a turkey to church? Because they use fowl language!
39. What’s a turkey without feathers called? Thanksgiving dinner.
40. What does a turkey eat for dessert? Peach Gobbler.
41. The key to a great Thanksgiving? A turKEY.
42. Why did the turkey cross the road? To try to escape the Thanksgiving butcher.
43. What was the turkey suspected of? Fowl play.
44. What sound does a limping turkey make? Wobble, wobble!
45. What did the turkey say before it was roasted? Boy! I’m stuffed!
46. What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children? If your father could see you now, he’d turn over in his grave-y!
47. Why do turkeys always go, “gobble, gobble”? Because they never learned good table manners!
Related: Read these Thanksgiving Books to embrace the holiday spirit!
48. What sound does a turkey’s phone make? Wing, wing!
49. Why did the cranberries turn red? Because they saw the turkey dressing!
50. What do turkeys do on Sunday? Go for peck-nics.
51. Why do turkeys only star in R-rated movies? Because they use fowl language!
52. Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving? The turkey, because he’s already stuffed!
53. Why did the turkey refuse dessert? He was stuffed!
54. What’s the best song to play while cooking a turkey? All about that baste.
55. Why shouldn’t you look at the turkey dressing? Because it will make him blush!
56. Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? The outside!
57. When do you serve tofu turkey? On Pranksgiving!
58. Why could not the turkey play baseball? He could only hit FOWL balls!
59. What would you get if you crossed a turkey with a ghost? A poultrygeist!
Like this ghost joke? Check out more Ghost Jokes for Kids for bone tickling humour!
60. Where do you find a turkey with no legs? Exactly where you left it.
61. What do you get when you cross an octopus with a turkey? Enough drumsticks for everyone!
62. What’s the most musical part of a turkey? The drumstick.
63. What do you call it when it rains turkeys? Fowl weather!
64. What is it called when a turkey fumbles in football? A fowl play.
65. Why do turkeys lay eggs? Because if they dropped them, they would break.
66. How do you tell the difference between turkeys and chickens? Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Food Jokes For Family
Transform your usual thanksgiving dinner into a laughter riot with these family-friendly corny Thanksgiving Food Jokes and riddles. Sure to crack everyone up, these best thanksgiving jokes will have you poking fun at food!
67. Why is the Thanksgiving soup so expensive? Because it has 24 carrots!
68. What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner? Your nose.
69. Why did the policeman stop you on your way home last Thanksgiving? Because you far exceeded your feed limit.
70. You know you overdid it on Thanksgiving when you cut yourself shaving and you bleed gravy.
71. What does every mom want to make on Thanksgiving? Dinner reservations.
72. What side dish do you bring for Thanksgiving dinner when you accidentally sat on the sweet potatoes? Squash casserole
73. How did the salt and pepper welcome the guests for thanksgiving dinner? By saying, “Seasoning’s greetings!”
74. Why were the beans accused of being jealous of the other side dishes? They were so green.
75. What’s a potato’s favorite game to play? Mash!
76. What comes at the end of Thanksgiving dinner? The letter “R.”
77. What makes every Thanksgiving meal extra-basic? Pumpkin spice.
78. What vegetables would you like with your Thanksgiving dinner? Beets me!
79. What happens when cranberries get sad? They turn into blueberries!
80. What can never be eaten for Thanksgiving dinner? Thanksgiving breakfast.
81. Which two animals get stuffed at Thanksgiving? Turkeys and people (after eating all that Thanksgiving dinner!)
82. What time do families sit down to Thanksgiving dinner? Halftime.
83. What did the fridge say the day after the holiday when it was asked, “Is everything alright over here?” No, everything is all leftover here!
Quick Tip: Make way for the festive season with Christmas Edition of Would You Rather Questions!
84. What did the sweet potato say when it was asked if it was hungry? Yes, I yam!
85. What’s Frankenstein’s favorite Thanksgiving dish? Monster mash potatoes and grave-y.
86. What did the salad say to the butter who kept making jokes? You’re on a roll.
87. What is something that describes both political talk and filling up your plate of food? Choosing sides.
Pilgrims Thanksgiving Jokes
You possibly cannot miss Pilgrims Thanksgiving jokes. They are almost a must and the secret ingredient for thanksgiving humour.
Clever and funny, these Pilgrims jokes are borderline genius and are sure to tickle everyone’s, from kids to adults, sense of humour.
88. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims!
89. What kind of music did the pilgrims listen to? Plymouth Rock!
Quick Tip: Club these funny jokes with this Cute & Easy Pilgrim Craft for Kids.
90. What do you call the age of a Pilgrim? A pilgrimage!
91. What kind of face does a pilgrim make when he’s in pain? Pil-grimace!
92. What did pilgrims use to bake cakes? May-Flour!
93. Why do Pilgrims’ pants always fall down? Because they wear their buckles on their hats!
94. Why didn’t the pilgrim want to make the bread? It’s a crummy job!
95. If Pilgrims traveled on the Mayflower, what do college students travel on? Scholar ships.
96. What unit of measurement did pilgrim cookbooks use? Pilgrams.
97. What kind of tan did pilgrims get at the beach? Puri-tan.
98. What did the Pilgrim wear to dinner? A har-vest.
99. What’s John Wayne’s favourite holiday? Thanksgiving, Pilgrim.
100. If Pilgrims were still alive, what would they be known for? Their age.
101. What did a Pilgrim call his best friend?… My Pal-grim
102. Why did the Pilgrim eat turkey on the first Thanksgiving? They couldn’t fit the moose in the oven.
Thanksgiving Puns
103. I just met you, and this is gravy, but here’s my stuffing, so carve me maybe.
104. Why didn’t the Thanksgiving band get to perform? Someone ate the drumsticks.
105. I only have pies for you.
Related: Also check out Math Puns to add in intelligent humour and make maths laugh-worthy!
106. Pie’ve been waiting all season for this!
107. More rolls? You butter believe it!
108. That’s a-maize-ing!
109. Gobble ’til you wobble!
110. Stop, drop, and pass the rolls!
111. Nothing gets butter than this!
112. Will I eat leftovers for a week? I cran, and I will.
113. Let’s get basted.
114. Oh my gourd!
115. This stuffing is the tur-key to my heart.
116. B-autumn’s up!
117. Let’s give ’em pumpkin to talk about!
118. ‘Tis the season of gourdness!
119. My family told me to stop telling Thanksgiving jokes, but I said I couldn’t quit cold turkey.
120. Have a gourd time this Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Below are a few select thanksgiving jokes one-liners:
1. What key won’t open a door? A Turkey
2. What did a Pilgrim call his best friend?… My Pal-grim
3. If Pilgrims were still alive, what would they be known for? Their age
4. Which two animals get stuffed at Thanksgiving? Turkeys and people
5. Gobble ’til you wobble!
6. Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Annie. Annie who? Annie body seen the turkey?
7. Who was the turkey thankful to on Thanksgiving? Vegetarians!
8. My family told me to stop telling Thanksgiving jokes, but I said I couldn’t quit cold turkey.